Friday, June 11, 2021

Bicarbonate alkalinity

  • Bicarbonate alkalinity is the most readily noticeable form of alkalinity in water
  • The chemical formula of bicarbonate is HCO3-
  • The structure of bicarbonate, the ion that causes bicarbonate alkalinity, is composed of a carbon atom in the center of the formation with three oxygen atoms attached to it
  • Bicarbonate alkalinity aids in neutralizing the acids in water, therefore helping to balance the pH. 
  • Bicarbonate, serves as a type of buffer.
  • Bicarbonate alkalinity occurs as a result of the presence of bicarbonate, which is formed in water when CO2 molecules are brought into contact with carbonates. 
  • Other atoms can join with bicarbonate ions to create different bicarbonate compounds. For example, a sodium ion, when exposed to a bicarbonate ion, may form NaHCO3

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