Sunday, May 12, 2019

Necessity for protected water supply


The term "protected water supply" refers to water that has been treated to remove impurities and made safe for consumption by the general public.
Water may be polluted by physical or bacterial agents. Water that is contaminated by bacterial disease causing agents present in contaminated water supply and sewage is the main reason for epidemic outbreaks.
Public health can be ensured only by supplying safe water and sanitation. This underscores the necessity for protected water supply and sanitation. Pure and wholesome water along with protected sanitation facilities can reduce morbidity and mortality rates.

The objectives of protected water supply system are to:
  • Provide wholesome water to consumers for drinking
  • Supply adequate quantity of water to meet minimum needs of individuals and make adequate provisions for emergencies like fire fighting, festivals, etc
  • Provide adequate water for changes like increase in population, improvement in standard of living, storage and conveyance

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