Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Types of Chlorination

Types of chlorination
The different types of chlorination are:
  1. Plain chlorination
  2. Pre-chlorination
  3. Post-chlorination
  4. Double chlorination
  5. Break-point chlorination
  6. Super chlorination
  7. Dechlorination
  • Plain chlorination is where ONLY chlorine is applied to water and no other treatment is given
  • Plain chlorination is carried-out only in cases of emergency
  • Dose is approximately 0.5 mg/l

  • Pre-chlorination refers to application of chlorine to water PRIOR to any other treatment
  • Dosage varies from 0.10 to 0.50 mg/l
  • Post-chlorination refers to chlorination AFTER all the treatment has taken place.
  • Dosage varies from 0.10 to 0.20 mg/l
  • Double chlorination refers to application of chlorine to water at more than one point

  • Break-point chlorination refers to the dosage beyond which any further addition of chlorine appears as free residual chlorine
  • Super chlorination refers to application of chlorine beyond the stage of break-point chlorination
  • Dosage varies from 5 to 15 mg/l
  • Dechlorination refers to removal of chlorine from water
  • This is required after super-chlorination
  • During dechlorination, sufficient care should be taken so that sufficient residual chlorine remains in water
  • Examples of dechlorinating agents are: SO2 gas, Activated Carbon, Sodium thio sulphate (Hypo) and sodium sulphate.

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