Monday, March 18, 2024

Algae removal by CuSO4


Copper sulphate, also known as cupric sulphate or copper (II) sulphate, is a chemical compound with the formula CuSO4. It is commonly used in water supply engineering for the removal of algae from water bodies, such as reservoirs, lakes, and storage tanks. Copper sulphate is an effective algaecide that inhibits algal growth and helps maintain water quality.


  1. Algae Control in Water Bodies: One of the primary applications of copper sulphate in water supply engineering is for the control and removal of algae in water bodies. Algae growth can lead to aesthetic issues, such as foul odor and taste, as well as operational problems in water treatment plants. Copper sulphate effectively targets algae and prevents their proliferation.

  2. Preventive Treatment: Copper sulphate is often used as a preventive treatment to inhibit the growth of algae in water bodies. By applying copper sulphate at regular intervals, water utilities can prevent algae blooms and maintain water quality standards. This is particularly important in areas with high nutrient levels and warm temperatures conducive to algae growth.

  3. Reservoir Management: Water reservoirs used for drinking water supply may be treated with copper sulphate to control algae growth. Algae can clog intake structures, interfere with water treatment processes, and produce taste and odor compounds. Copper sulphate treatments help mitigate these issues and ensure the availability of clean and aesthetically pleasing water.

  4. Storage Tank Maintenance: Copper sulphate can be applied to storage tanks and distribution systems to control algae growth and biofilm formation. Algae growth in storage tanks can compromise water quality and lead to taste and odor problems. Regular treatment with copper sulphate helps prevent these issues and ensures the integrity of the water supply.

  5. Recreational Water Facilities: Copper sulphate may also be used in recreational water facilities, such as swimming pools and decorative ponds, to control algae growth and maintain water clarity. Algae growth in these facilities can create safety hazards and detract from the aesthetic appeal of the water.

Occurrences and Examples from Hyderabad, India:

  1. Storage Tanks and Distribution Systems: Storage tanks and distribution systems used for storing and transporting drinking water in Hyderabad may be treated with copper sulphate to prevent algae growth. This ensures that the water remains clean, safe, and free from taste and odor issues.

  2. Recreational Facilities: Recreational water facilities in Hyderabad, such as swimming pools and decorative ponds in parks and gardens, may utilize copper sulphate to control algae growth. This helps maintain water clarity and safety for visitors.

Copper sulphate is a valuable tool in water supply engineering for the control and removal of algae from water bodies. Its applications include algae control in reservoirs, storage tanks, distribution systems, and recreational water facilities, contributing to the provision of clean and aesthetically pleasing water for various purposes in Hyderabad, India, and other regions worldwide.

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