Friday, October 4, 2019

per capita consumption


"per capita consumption" refers to the amount of water required by one person. This includes domestic use, industrial and commercial use, public use, wastes, thefts, etc. 

Per capita demand (q)              Total yearly water requirement in litres (V)
in litres per day per head =                       365 * Design population

Per capita demand depends upon various factors like
  • Size of the city
  • Cliimatic conditions
  • Habits of people
  • Industrial and commercial activity
  • Quality of water supplies
  • Pressure in distribution system
  • Development of sewerage facilities
  • System of supply
  • Cost of water
  • Policy of metering and
  • Method of billing users
The flow of sanitary sewage in the absence of storms (in dry season) is known as Dry Weather Flow (DWF)
Quantity of sewage = per capita sewage contributed per day * population
Usually, 80% of the water supplied is expected to reach the sewers

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