Sewage conveyance
Two systems are employed for collection, conveyance and disposal of waste:
- Old conservancy system
- Water carriage system
- In the old conservancy system the wastes (night soil and garbage) are collected separately in pools or pits and removed periodically atleast once in 24 hours
- This system is also known as the dry system
- Night soil refers to human excreta that is collected separately and carried on heads of sweepers to a central place from where it is transported in bullock carts to a place away from the town for final disposal.
- Normally it is buried in trenches to produce manure in one or two years.
- Garbage is collected separately and may consist of both combustible and non-combustible waste matter. It is disposed by dumping in the city outskirts
- Sullage and stormwater are collected and conveyed separately in closed or open gutters
- The conservancy system is highly unhygienic as the waste consists of organic matter that decomposes rapidly producing foul odour
- The conservancy system is undesirable as it involves transportation of night soil in open carts through streets and crowded localities
- The conservancy method operates entirely on the sweepers and any disruption of their work results in foul smell in the entire locality
- Compact design is not possible as the lavoratories should be located outside the house slightly away from the main residence
- Unhygienic conditions exist due to carriage of sullage through open drains laid in streets
- Improper disposal of night soil may cause the outbreak of an epidemic
- Liquid wastes from lavatories pose risk of contaminating the soil and groundwater
- The conservancy system may appear cheap but has high establishment and maintenance costs
- The system requires large amount of land for disposal of sewage
- In the new water carriage system, collection, conveyance and disposal of waste are carried out with the help of water
- Water is used as a medium to carry wastes from point of production to point of treatment or disposal
- It is cheap in initial cost
- The quantity of sewage reaching the treatment plant before disposal is low
- There is no silting of deposits in the sewer line
- It is a hygienic method
- No nuisance on the streets due to offensive odours
- It requires less space
- Self-cleansing velocity can be obtained even at less gradients
- Buildings can be designed compact as a single unit
- Sewage after proper treatment can be used for other purposes
- This system is very expensive in initial cost
- Maintenance of this system is also expensive
- During monsoons, large volume of sewage is to be treated while very small volume is to be treated during the remaining part of the year
Patterns of collection system
- Perpendicular pattern
- Interceptor pattern
- Radial pattern
- Fan pattern
- Zone pattern
Sewer types
According to the material that is used to form them, the types of sewers are classified as:
- Asbestos Cement (AC) Sewer
- Brick Sewer
- Cement Sewer
- Cast iron (CT) Sewer
- Steel Sewers and
- Plastic Sewers
- Other types of sewers not in use nowadays are:
- Wooden sewers and
- Stoneware sewers
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