Thursday, September 5, 2019

Pressure filters

Pressure filter is type of rapid sand filter in a closed water tight cylinder through which the water passes through the sand bed under pressure.

  • All the operations of the filter is similar to rapid gravity filter, expect that the coagulated water is directly applied to the filter without mixing and flocculation. 
  • These filters are used for industrial plants and these are not economical on large scale.
  • Pressure filters may be horizontally or vertically oriented
  • Backwash is carried by reversing the flow with values. 
  • The rate of flow is 120 to 300m3/m2/day.
  • They are compact and automatic in operation
  • It is ideal for small water works and small estates
  • They require small area for installation
  • They have small number of fittings
  • The filtered water comes out with pressure and no further pumping arrangement is needed
  • No sedimentation and coagulation tanks are required with these units
  • Because of heavy cost, they cannot be used for treatment of large quantity of water at public water works
  • Quality control and inspection is not possible because of closed tank
  • Efficiency of removal of bacteria and turbidity is low
  • Change of filter media, gravel and repair of drainage system is difficult

1 comment:

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