Monday, September 23, 2019

Method of collection of solid waste


  • Collection of municipal solid waste(MSW) is an important aspect to maintain public health in a community
  • The amount of municipal solid waste collected varies from region to region and also depends on the income level of the residents
  • Collection rates are low in low income countries and high in high income countries
  • Waste collection refers to the collection of solid waste from the point of production to the point of treatment or disposal
  • Municipal solid waste is collected in several ways
    • House to house
    • Community bins
    • Curb side pickup
    • Self delivered 
    • Contracted or delegated service
  •  Collected MSW can be separated or mixed depending on local regulations
  • In developing countries, MSW is not separated before it is taken for disposal.
  • Higher income countries have higher collection efficiency
  • The degree and sophistication of waste picking influences overall collection
  • Containerization is an important aspect of waste collection, especially from residential generators
  • Frequency of collection is an important aspect under municipality's control
  • Good waste collection program requires an ongoing iterative approach between collection crews and generators
  • Data shows that waste collection rates are directly related to income levels

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